“Empowering others to take charge of things they don't think they can do, such as website performance, SEO, and marketing, is a top priority and a profound joy.”

As a creative professional and small business owner, I understand the challenges of promoting oneself. My journey has been varied and illuminating—illustrating and writing for educational exhibits, illustrating books, selling art prints, and pursuing children's publishing. These experiences have given me firsthand insight into the hurdles faced by creative entrepreneurs.

Working in advertising and SEO, I developed a strong understanding of marketing, and my creativity and empathy have amplified its impact and significance. This blend of experiences led me to create a streamlined, user-friendly approach to enhancing my clients' online presence, ultimately saving them valuable time, money, and frustration.

Communication in Business Can Be Challenging

Early in my career, I struggled to effectively communicate my business ideas in a way that truly reflected who I am. Organizing and prioritizing my thoughts to create impactful messaging was challenging. Finding the right words and strategies seemed impossible. It took me a long time to figure it out alone. In hindsight, I wish I had guidance, as it would have saved me a lot of time and frustration.

Marketing Formulas Make Everyone Sound Alike

Initially, I attempted marketing techniques I had learned in college, but they didn’t always align with my style and made me uncomfortable. They felt like predictable, insincere formulas that made everyone sound the same. Through trial and error, I realized I needed to find my style and pursue what resonated with me. This led me to focus on creating heartfelt communication that connected people with what they were looking for—empathetic marketing.

Finding My Voice Was the Solution

After much time, I realized that my love of storytelling was integral to my communication style. My natural traits, such as empathy, compassion, and noticing subtleties, were precisely the skills I needed to get my ideas across and help people. (It's interesting how solutions can simultaneously be right under our noses and somehow out of reach.) These traits have been essential to my 35-year visual communication career, which has focused on web design, SEO, and empathetic marketing for the last 20 years. My approach made me stand out and enabled me to help small business owners and creative professionals in a unique way.

Finding Your Voice is Critical

I understand firsthand how challenging it can be to communicate the fundamental principles crucial to your business or identity. But I also know that it feels fantastic to be true to yourself while doing so—and it's ultimately more effective.

You don't have to use awkward jargon or strategies that don't resonate with you. Whether marketing a business or product or doing good in the world, all you need to do is get to the heart of what you do, discover your communication style, and engage with your audience. Finding your true voice makes getting the word out more effortless and ensures you keep it up. I’ve seen too many people give up too soon because they weren't comfortable with their marketing, didn't wait for results, or were unsure what was working.

Helping Others Save Time, Money & Frustration

I built my reputation as a web designer on my SEO skills, results, and ability to help small business owners market and do SEO impactfully. Over time, I saw that essential SEO had the most significant long-lasting benefits in connecting with the right people, reducing bounce rate, and increasing sales. You can always implement more SEO, but it saves a lot of time to focus attention where it is most important.

More and more people are attempting to do this work themselves. This is why I have more recently pivoted away from done-for-you jobs to help more people save time and frustration by sharing my years of experience. It’s a joy for me to help folks grow their businesses and watch them soar as the unique humans they are.

Discover how to find your communication strengths & improve your marketing, messaging & SEO to get on the path that fits you:

Click to learn more about working with me.

My Clients

I worked with casinos, universities, ski resorts, hospitals, golf courses, hotels, and other large businesses and corporations early in my career. It was good experience, but I quickly learned that wasn’t the direction I wanted to go in. I most enjoyed working with people who were solo small business owners and creative professionals. So, among my clients, you'll find photographers, videographers, massage therapists, various small shops & businesses, estheticians, a health food store, acupuncturists, creative groups, authors, illustrators, fine artists, a Taiji Master, Reiki practitioners, artisans, entrepreneurs, small publishers, and non-profits.

What do my clients have in common? Apart from being solo business owners, they share similarities in how they move through the world: they are empathetic, intuitive, creative, ambitious, determined, down-to-earth, community-centered, care for the environment, want to make a difference, aim to genuinely connect with their clients or customers, and pursue their passions—often in creative or health fields, or ways connected to nature. They are truly an inspiring group! (Go to my Web Presence Case Studies page for more details about their businesses.)


BioSpirit Day Spa
Artful Leather
Maverick Carving
Nikki Shannon Smith
Tahoe: Lost and Found
Kathy Harmon-Luber
Tahoe Art League
Trudy Levy Arts
The Tallahassee Ballet
Tahoe Distinctive Video
Earth & Stone Landscapes
Sierra Nevada Snow Removal
Aspen Hollow Landscape Nursery
Society of Young Inklings
The NoGlobe Alliance
Tahoe Writers Works
Millicent Meng
Bona Fide Books
Thorough Web Press
Range of Light Publishing
Mountain Girl Mysteries
Good Dog Press
Makoto Press
Behind the Seams Publishing
Dream Weight Blankets
Rearview Miracles
The Studio Lake Tahoe
Grass Roots Natural Foods
Council for Responsible Nutrition
Lake Tahoe Acupuncture and Wellness
Jim Stamates Wildlife Photography
Kimball Chatfield LAc., OMD
Alpensong Healing Arts
Kalena Associates
Dr. Annette Childs
Attorney George Keller

What Else Matters to Me?

After I’m done helping clients, I continue using storytelling to help protect the natural world around us by creating stories about how humans affect nature. I specialize in making environmental topics accessible, relatable, and specific to what my audiences hold dear—whether kids or adults. My work has been featured in educational exhibits and books for all ages. You can learn more on the following pages: Public Interest Stories, Illustration, Nature Illustration, Children's Illustration, and With Love, From Tahoe.

Always an artist. Images of Kristen painting at 5 at an easel wearing a smock and setting off to art school with her portfolio

Painting at five (left) and off to art school (right).

I grew up in an art gallery. (Yes, I did.)

I got into business early. For one venture, when I was 12, I made little creatures called “Nice Mice” and sold them at the India Street Art Colony Jazz Festival.

I have been using Apple computers since 1980.

In the 80s, I worked for a software company called Beagle Bros. that made games and utilities for Apple computers.

Image of the Beagle Bros staff from a 1983 article in SoftTalk magazine

1983 SoftTalk magazine article with the Beagle Bros. crew.
That's me (aka Minnie Assembler), second from the left.

I have been living, working, and playing in South Lake Tahoe, CA, for over 30 years.

One of my first jobs after college was doing paste up for a newspaper. (If you don't know what paste up is, here's a video about this lost art.)

In the early 2000s, I developed a method for printing on raw silk and was featured in a Rochester, New York, art show with fellow art printing innovators.

I had the tremendous honor of being chosen to work with author/illustrator Yuyi Morales in the 2009 Nevada Mentor Program through the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.

I wasn't aware of how much I use my hands when talking until I animatedly described some illustrations during a live radio interview. I managed to unplug all the sound equipment with one enthusiastic gesture.

I wear many hats in my life, many of which are helmets.

Our grown child, a computer scientist/linguist, is a Ph.D. student studying fairness and privacy in natural language processing. (We don't understand everything, but we try!)

Photo of our black kelpie dog

Our brave dog.

When we rescued our dog, she was afraid of trash cans, tree stumps, people, other dogs, and shadows. She is currently only scared of our houseguest—a cat named Wren.

The most validating thing a publishing house art director ever said to me:
“You can obviously draw the hell out of anything.”