Is your website delivering the results you want? Do you feel like you're missing out on business growth opportunities?

In our highly competitive digital environment, simply having a website is no longer enough to stand out. Crafting an effective online presence, implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and developing a robust marketing strategy is imperative. It can also be overwhelming. Many small businesses and creative professionals need help maximizing the potential of their online presence and marketing efforts. If you feel stuck or frustrated with your website's performance, proper guidance can transform it into a powerful marketing tool with significantly less effort.

It Takes Time For SEO To Gain Traction & Build Authority; Don't Wait To Do It!

People often say, “I’ll do my SEO when it’s time.” The reality is that now is the time. SEO takes time to gain traction and build authority. It can take weeks, months, or even years for SEO to take effect, depending on the extent of your changes or how new your website is. Starting now gives you ample time to figure things out, dial in your strategy, and develop other aspects of your marketing. Different marketing forms will help your SEO and complement it, making your overall strategy more potent.

Choose Marketing That You Will Engage in Consistently

It's crucial to choose marketing methods you will consistently engage in. Merely following the latest trend isn't enough. I always begin by discovering what my clients are naturally drawn to.


Ana thoughtfully designed a high-end weighted blanket with more effective features than others on the market. She had been selling them online, but the major brands had substantial marketing budgets to attract more customers. Ana didn’t. She also didn’t want to spend all her time promoting on social media or seeking attention using spammy tactics.

When she came to me for help, she discovered she didn’t need to spend all her time and money on marketing, get everyone’s attention, or use tactics she didn’t like. Instead, we clarified her product features through visuals and carefully crafted text.

Next, we talked about the things she was good at and enjoyed so we could use them to amplify her business while she remained true to herself. Her platform of choice was Pinterest, and it worked like a charm. When we launched her optimized custom graphics and posts, the traffic to her site with ideal customers increased dramatically, and she immediately sold out of her product. She wasn’t expecting that, but if you have a problem, that’s the one to have! She quickly upped production, filled the orders, and continued growing her business on her terms.

One-on-One SEO & Online Marketing Guidance

If you're having difficulties with your online marketing, start by optimizing your website and consider scheduling a consultation with me to brainstorm possibilities, solve problems, or prioritize an SEO plan. Personalized guidance is invaluable, especially if you've been bombarded with overwhelming or ineffective marketing information. Conducting an audit of your website can also clarify what needs improvement.

As a Web Presence Strategist, I help clients articulate their core message through thoughtfully crafted words, design, and imagery. This clear communication directly informs effective SEO.

And the fantastic side effect is that when you communicate clearly in a way that suits you, sharing what you do becomes effortless and joyful. Marketing then shifts to being natural instead of a dreaded task that feels separate.

I start where you are, look at how you do things best, and work with you to develop messaging that fits your ideal audience in a communication style that fits YOU. That way, you'll connect and engage with the people who need you most. By centering your online presence around your website, your website will do much of your marketing for you, freeing you up to do what you enjoy most.

Self-Paced DIY & Guided Group Courses

If one-on-one guidance is not the right fit for you, I also offer cost-effective self-paced DIY and guided group courses. You can add extra guidance anytime to get real-time answers to your questions. The benefit of group courses is the sense of community you'll develop with other professionals, learning from each other's activities and getting answers to your questions as they come up.

Get on my waitlist for the next SEO workshops and courses (you will also receive my newsletter):

Don't Struggle Alone With Your SEO or Marketing

Whatever you choose, don't struggle on your own when down-to-earth, knowledgeable help is available. A fresh perspective on your situation can save time and frustration, leading to more effective and targeted marketing strategies. I'm happy to work with you to relieve the burden of navigating the complex world of online marketing.

Discover what options are the best fit to make your website more effective: