"Together, we can protect Lake Tahoe for future generations."

Book Cover for With Love From Tahoe by Kristen Schwartz

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Embark on a stewardship journey in my new all-ages-friendly book, "With Love, From Tahoe—Stories About Simple Things We Can Do to Protect Lake Tahoe." As an illustrator and storyteller at Lake Tahoe for over 35 years, I created this book to be more than a collection of stories; it's a call-to-action resource for learning, exploring, sharing, and starting conversations.

Why Lake Tahoe?

Nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, this jewel is approximately two million years old and the homelands of the Waší∙šiw (Wa she shu - Washoe) Tribe—first people of DáɁaw Ɂága (Da ow aga - Lake Tahoe). It beckons millions of global visitors each year to its 75-mile shoreline, offering breathtaking views, diverse wildlife, and extensive trails. But so much human activity is causing harm. It's more than just a picturesque destination; it is home. Watching its destruction is heartbreaking.

What's Inside?

Discover the threats that Lake Tahoe faces and gain insights into simple, actionable steps we can all take to protect this natural wonder. Through short, illustrated stories featuring fictional characters, I share the 'why' behind the warnings we hear of what not to do. These stories inform and inspire, offering a shift in awareness without overwhelming readers.

Author's Inspiration

My journey in creating this project began several years ago with the book Saving Us by Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, Chief Scientist for The Nature Conservancy. Dr. Hayhoe emphasizes the power of taking local action using our individual skills to discuss environmental challenges. Fueled by this inspiration, the idea for my book was born, and I received a microgrant from the City of South Lake Tahoe Arts, Culture, and Tourism Commission to produce it.

Join the Movement

Starting April 20, 2024, With Love, From Tahoe will be available for FREE download in English and Spanish. Whether you're a Tahoe local or a visitor, this book invites you to learn something new and become a part of the conversation about preserving Lake Tahoe for future generations.

Spread the Word

Help me protect Lake Tahoe by sharing this book with your community. Each download contributes to a collective effort to foster a deeper connection with nature in Tahoe and everywhere we go.

Thank you for being a steward of Lake Tahoe's future!

(Supported in part by the City of South Lake Tahoe)

Did you miss the Book Launch Presentation? You're in luck! You can watch it here:

(Watching in full screen may be fuzzy, depending on your screen size. My apologies!)

Which format should you choose? PDF is the most universal of the two file formats and will work on most devices and platforms. The links will also function most consistently. But if you like reading your books in a book app, EPUB is a better choice.

One caveat: Kindle doesn't handle PDFs or EPUBs very well. It will alter the book design, and the links won't function properly. In the future, with more significant funding, I'll also produce a Kindle file format (MOBI). In the meantime, I suggest downloading either of the other files to read on non-Kindle devices and apps.

(Go back to book download)

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Find out more about my storytelling projects at this link.